Saturday 29 September 2018

Review: Battlestar Suburbia by Chris McCrudden

Battlestar Suburbia by Chris McCrudden
A hilariously subversive space adventure 

Publishing Date: September 20th, 2018

My Rating: 4/5 - definitely hilariously subversive, definitely a space adventure

On Goodreads

When I started studying computer science - over 6 years ago now, I'm getting old - the professor who held the introductory lecture recommended reading A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Since then, the amount of times the number 42 has been called out in lectures when we were asked to give random numbers has risen to the uncountable.

If you've ever read A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you'll know that when I compare Battlestar Suburbia with it, it will end up being a fun, if weird read. For me, this book did not disappoint, and while I did receive it via NetGalley in return for an honest interview, I will be picking it up as a hard copy as well.