Saturday 27 October 2018

Review: Heart of Ice by K.M. Shea

Heart of Ice by K.M. Shea
The Snow Queen #1

Publishing Date: December 17th, 2015

My Rating: 3/5 - interesting plot with insta-romantic interest and a Mary Sue main character

On Goodreads

I keep hoping I'll find a hidden gem in all those years-old books that I'm going through right now, but it's just. Not. Happening.

Saturday 20 October 2018

Review: Eat, Pray, Die by Chelsea Field

Eat, Pray, Die by Chelsea Field
Eat, Pray, Die Humorous Mystery #1

Publishing Date: July 5th, 2016

My Rating: 2/5 - not that humorous or mysterious, with an annoying main character

On Goodreads

I'm all about reading books that have been out for ages at the moment, apparently. I swear, I'll get back to reviewing more current books in a bit, I'm just trying to make the most of my Kindle Unlimited subscription before it runs out. Though with the quality of books that I've been reading, I'm should probably reconsider...

Saturday 13 October 2018

Review: Crimes Against Magic by Steve McHugh

Crimes Against Magic by Steve McHugh
Hellequin Chronicles #1

Publishing Date: April 27th, 2012

My Rating: 2/5 - okay world-building with a surprising amount of violence and a Gary Stu MC

On Goodreads

I don't know why I expected something tame when I started reading this book. I guess I read "Urban Fantasy" on Goodreads and jumped to the conclusion that this was YA or NA. Just to make that clear: this is very much an adult fantasy book. The depictions of violence alone make sure of that.

Saturday 6 October 2018

Review: The Human Familiar by Honor Raconteur

The Human Familiar by Honor Raconteur
Familiar and the Mage #1

Publishing Date: September 28th, 2017

My Rating: 2.5/5 - very magical, with an ambling plot and a writing style I just couldn't grow to like

On Goodreads

I'm over a year late to this book, but to be fair, I first came across it about a week ago. With a 4.32 rating average on Goodreads at the time of writing this post, you'd expect I'd have at least heard of it before. But no, if not for my kindle unlimited subscription, it would probably have continued to pass me by.

Tuesday 2 October 2018

Coming in October: Books To Be Excited About

Sometimes I look at my TBR and I wonder whether I should really be adding more books to it. Then I look at the books that are getting published that month and I tell myself, hell yeah.

This month, a few of my favorite books are getting companion pieces and/or sequels. And then there are some sequels to books that are still on my TBR, and doesn't that just make me want to sit down and read all day to finally, finally catch up?

With university in full swing, sitting myself down for an all-day readathon will sadly not be possible for a while yet, so I can only continue to look longingly at the books that I will possibly, hopefully, get to sometime soon.

So without further ado, here's what I managed to condense this month's addition to the TBR to.