Saturday 20 October 2018

Review: Eat, Pray, Die by Chelsea Field

Eat, Pray, Die by Chelsea Field
Eat, Pray, Die Humorous Mystery #1

Publishing Date: July 5th, 2016

My Rating: 2/5 - not that humorous or mysterious, with an annoying main character

On Goodreads

I'm all about reading books that have been out for ages at the moment, apparently. I swear, I'll get back to reviewing more current books in a bit, I'm just trying to make the most of my Kindle Unlimited subscription before it runs out. Though with the quality of books that I've been reading, I'm should probably reconsider...

Now, before I say anything else, this may be a case of me having a different sort of humor than the writer. It may be that I was in a bad mood, or just didn't click with the characters. Whatever it was, I probably laughed once or twice while reading this book. For something that calls itself a "humorous mystery", that's disappointing.

The main character is Izzy, originally from Australia, now in sunny LA. I found her an annoying, helpless woman who spent most of the book whining about wanting food. I get it, that's this book's thing. I still found it (and Izzy) supremely annoying. The fact that she seems pretty brainless for much of the book didn't help, either.

"[M]aybe I could talk him into pushing me down the elevator shaft on the way out."

Oh, Izzy, I wish he had. That would've made the book more interesting.

"I'd always imagined being the object of a man's obsession would be fun."

Well, maybe you're just an idiot, Izzy.

Anyway, ignoring Izzy (which I wish I could've done while reading the book), Connor was an unsympathetic asshole. He's an objectifying prick - and so is Izzy, actually. Still, if someone I worked with called me "sweetie" and told me not to "worry [my] pretty head about it, sweet cheeks", I'd have some choice words for them. But then, I've never thought that being the object of someone's obsession would be fun, so... (Yeah, I'm never letting that go.)

The fact that Connor comes to Izzy's rescue a few times is nice, but still didn't manage to make me feel more sympathetic towards him.

As for the plot... it was pretty predictable, actually. Not bad, per se, but nothing to write home about. I guess for how highly rated this book was on Goodreads, this was just an underwhelming read all around.

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